Let's go on a sunny walk together

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I'm at a crossroads and I really don't know what to do. I don't like thinking about it and at the moment I'm apathetic. While I try to figure out what I want I procrastinate by doing other things. Like taking long walks in the woods with Bengta. I took these photos about a week ago when the sun had just begun to come back and I love the serenity in them. I wish I could relax but my head is stuck in a whirl wind. Hope everything is better with you guys.


  1. Sorry dear, I hope that whatever it is you're facing, that you can come to peace with it soon, and that it all works out for the better <3
    In the meantime, if you ever need anyone to talk or vent to, you have my e-mail address :)

    1. Thank you for your consideration. It seems like I got a small window until it's decided but we will see. Take care of you!


  2. What beautiful photographs of that amazing snowy landscape! And how cute is your dog in that jumper! I hope you can find a way to choose at that crossroads soon, and to take the path that feels right.

  3. good luck figuring everything out. i feel the same way.

    hopefully spring brings better thoughts!

    Harley & Jane

  4. Hi Simona-

    Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful words on my blog, I really appreciate that :) I hope that things are going well in your corner of the world- I know crossroads can be hard and nerve-wracking but I am sure that things will come together and work out. Here if you need anything! Take care xo


  5. Alltså ÅH vad fin stil du har! och BENGTA!!!!! vilken lirare! jag har en liten Elvis som också är snöplogande chihuahua! :)

    1. Åh tack så mycket, Bengta hälsar också! Men Elvis, vilket underbart namn, honom hoppas jag att vi får se mer av på din blogg!


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