Ordinary winters day

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

So, for the past week I have been sick. And let me tell ya, it's quite boring! At first I tried to do some small stuff around the apartment, like cleaning it up a bit. But no, my energy reserve has been down to zero so the only thing I've had the energy to do is lying in my bed and watch things on my new computer. At the moment I'm starting to get a little bit better but I will stay home a little while longer just to make sure that I'm healthy. The worst thing I know is being a little bit sick for weeks. And that tends to happen to me when I don't listen to my body and start working to early. Guess I have to be bored for a while longer. 

Any who, thought I would share these photos with you guys. These were taken on one of the coldest winter days a couple of weeks ago and I'm actually wearing double (!) cardigans underneath. And it was still a bit too cold..This is how I tend to look on an average day right now. Due to the cold I always wear my doc's (which have the perfect sole for cold weather! I think the sole is very important since much of the cold comes from what you are standing on, speaking as a swede with family ties in the far north, hrm hrm.), my beret, and on top of that my handmade scarf that I love and got as a birthday gift when I turned 24, it's super warm!

As you might guess it is quite hard to be creative with what you wear since the weather isn't really cooperating with me. I even have to wear super warm pieces underneath or I would freeze to ice. 
I'm really missing spring and I really want it to arrive soon!


  1. awe, hope you feel better soon, and that all the snow melts asap! Docs really are the best and those pants are the perfect length for them :)

    1. Thank you sweet! Well, it's getting better now and I can't wait for it to get warmer! Take care!

      XX, Simona

  2. I am a swede as well ;) I hope that you feel all better soon! Being sick is no fun :( I myself caught a cold this past Saturday and after eating A LOT of raw honey I am starting to come around the bend. You will get through it and you will be even stronger for it. Love the docs! :) xo

    1. Ah, you are? That's so cool, where from? I have been drinking liters of Brämhults orange and blood orange juice, if my throat hurts I chew raw ginger. Happy to have found your blog btw1

      Take care and feel better soon!

      XO, Simona

    2. Thanks Simona :) Well, I should say that I have swedish heritage, haha. My dad's family is from Orebro, Sweden (sorry I couldn't spell it quite right). I have always been really proud of my Swedish ancestry and hope to go there some day, I have heard that it is quite beautiful! So happy to have found your blog too!

  3. These photos are beautiful, that snow is absolutely stunning, and you look so cosy. Hope you feel better soon, being ill is absolutely horrible xo

    1. Why thank you lovely lady! I guess the snow is gorgeous but I can't wait for spring! Glad you found me!

      XO, SImona

  4. You look super cute in that coat and that hat! Lovely pictures!

    1. Thank you for your time and comment! That's so sweet of you and it made my day. Welcome back!

      XO, Simona

  5. aw feel better soon. the light in these pictures is so beautiful. I have always wanted to visit Sweden even in the cold winter, it just looks so gorgeous. I know my sister went in January before and adored it!

    1. Thank you! Well since your Irish I guess you have good and plenty of beautiful nature but yes, the north has it's moments sometimes. But right now I'm longing for spring. You know when the thin rays of sun warms your face and makes the icy roads melt. And you can hear bird song! I sometimes have to go very early to work and I love to hear the birds, sounds like a zoo sometimes!



  6. oh my gosh, you are a doll! your hair is so cute and i love your style dear!

    lindsey louise


    1. Thank you darling! Cool that you found me!

      XO, Simona


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