Of to the North!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

So my friends, I will be flying up to the north, north of Sweden tomorrow! My mother comes from the small town Haparanda which is beautifully placed just by the Torne älv (Torne river) and the Swedish/Finnish border, so you can literally walk over to Finland if you want. I will be going there, sadly, due to a funeral but I have a lot of planning and fixing left to do before I am ready to leave. 

This is the first time I'm going to fly with Bengta and also I want to pack some crochet projects and other bits and bobs so that I can keep myself busy until Monday. I have a hard time dealing with grief (something I might write about later) so I need things to work on with my hands. I find that it helps. 

I might not be able to post anything on the blog due to bad internet but you are always welcome to follow me on Instagram (where my name is simonastreet) where I try and post more regularly.

Til' later, lot's of love and hold your dear ones close.

1 comment:

  1. That is one seriously darling phone case! :) The endless kitty lover in me is coveting it right about now. I also really like your skirt. It looks brown to me in this photo, but I realize that it may in fact be black. Either way, it's terrific! Can you believe it, I didn't have a dark brown pencil skirt in my wardrobe until very recently (well, technically it hasn't arrived yet, but I've ordered one and should get here any day now), and often wished I did when getting dressed. I spotted a great 50s one for a reasonable price on etsy earlier this month and scoped down on it like a hawk. I suspect it will quickly become one of the most frequently worn skirts in my wardrobe.

    Have an awesome weekend, dear gal!
    ♥ Jessica

    *PS* Thank you very much for your marvelously lovely comment on this week's vintage outfit post. I adore the chose of adjectives that you used to describe that ensemble.


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